Our Guide to Working from Home
April 7, 2020
Coronavirus or, COVID-19 is continually developing and companies, much like my own, are setting their workers up so they can continue in their roles at home.
It’s important to remember that HSE guidelines states a laptop is a temporary work device and should not be used for full-time work, as the working postures adopted are poor. Fortunately, this can be solved with the use of a separate keyboard, mouse and laptop stand.
We have created a 12-point checklist to ensure that you have everything you need in place, including an adequate workstation set up.
1 – Employer to make sure Employee has a suitable area at home to work.
2 – Employer to make sure employee has/ is provided with:
● Furniture
● Phone
● IT
● Adequate Internet Connection
3 – Employer to check its Insurance covers equipment in the homeworker’s home and a claim from a Third Party.
4 – Employer to carry out a Health and Safety Risk Assessment*
5 – Employer and Employee to agree keeping in touch through:
● Phone/Skype/Email
● Planned Meetings at the Main Office/Base**
● Planned Meetings at the Homeworkers Home**
● Co-Operation with Colleagues
6 – Employer and Employee to agree how often the Employee will attend the main base/office.
7 – Employer and Employee to agree how performance will be monitored and managed.
8 – Employer and Employee to agree any arrangements for claiming expenses, what can be claimed, how, when and what is taxable.
9 – Employer and Employee to agree how often the home working arrangement will be reviewed, and when and where review meetings will be held.
10 – Employer to put arrangements in writing and/or issue a home working policy.
11 – Employer to compile a Consent Form signed by the Employer and Employee detailing the home working arrangement.
12 – Employer to check IT support is in place including what will be provided by who, when and how.
*Please contact Workspace Health for a Risk Assessment Document.
**Due to current Government restrictions, alternative arrangements must be put in place to comply with social distancing guidelines.
For further information on COVID-19 please visit https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
For further information, please contact us on 01905 700 401 or assessments@workspacehealth.com